Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Transformation... theatre, life, living and being...

It is my 7th week in Thailand and at Makhampom and, what a journey it has been…

Clearly, I am a little slack on the blogging! Between two Facebook accounts and two email addresses - my own and the Makhampom Reunion account, Skype, Chats, Video calls and every other bit of amazing access to communication, the blog has been the last on the list.

Today is a very hot and steamy day in Northern Thailand! There is a photo of 'my office' below... “My office”, as you can see in the photo below is pretty hard to handle! Mountains, rice fields, banana trees, dragonflies and butterflies everywhere and the odd lazy dog in the midst… you can see that my working conditions are really pretty ‘organic.’ My partner asked me yesterday, after I showed her a photo of ‘my office’ how I will go when I need to head back to Green Square. Ironically, the only ‘green’ in Green Square are the plants that I managed to smuggle in one day. Apart from that, it is ‘green’ in the sense of carbon neutrality and energy saving whereas Makhampom, is green in every way. So, I might need to smuggle in some more plants and meditate each lunch time recalling the Makhampom surrounds…

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working on some key strategies for Makhampom around enterprise development, making application to VIDA (Volunteering International Development Australia) to host a position here at Makhampom next year for 12 months – Community Theatre and Circus Facilitator, finalising the 2011 Reunion program and, have just spent the weekend in Bangkok attending the Theatre for Transformation Showcase.

Theatre for Transformation (photos below) is a three-year program, funded by the United Nations and Thai Health Fund to support young people across Thailand to share their stories and current issues that are of interest to, what is called, the new generation. This happens through a series of workshops with Makhampom facilitators across the country to produce a performance. Each group then showcases the work in their local community and region. From this showcase, three groups are chosen, from each region, to represent at the larger showcase in Bangkok. He they will receive feedback from well-know actors and theatre academics.

I saw approx 15 performances on Saturday (yes, it was a long day 1 – 9pm – all in Thai) addressing a range of issues from family, generational disconnection, technology and its impact on community, displaced communities (refugee communities with very little rights in this country – cannot even receive access to medical treatment outside their village), relationships between young people and parents, violence, war, the inequity of difference and much much more. It was a very insightful and fabulous afternoon – truly.

Have spent some time hanging out with Xris Reardon from Third Way Theatre in Melbourne who is here for the next 18 months working on an AVI (Australian Volunteers International) assignment with an NGO called GABFI – working with marginalised communities through theatre. We, along with other AVI volunteers went to a restaurant called Cabbages and Condoms in Bangkok on the weekend. You can see photos of Condom Man below! This organisation works to raise awareness and funds to support HIV education, awareness and prevention throughout Thailand.

My time here is proving to be spacious, inspiring, delicate, soothing and full of interesting learnings and funny stories.

Patience is becoming my new best friend!

With love,


Thursday, August 5, 2010

bangkok ... city noise and tourist vibes... the land of smiles

I am pushing to the limit the once a week blog... apologies for the delay...

I have been to pai, been sick with fevers, and back to chiang dao and then to chiang dao and now, in bangkok...

pai was a beautiful respite and time with my friend kob, was lovely... she looked after me when i was sick and, when i was feeling better... she took me for ice cream and a massage - great! it was lovely being up on the mountain with kob, her cats and the fireflies...

back in chiang dao, it has been a week of feeling a little unsettled and isolated but, I am 100% sure that this is all part of the process. I must admit, I am also very much used to working within a team and, this working autonomously on projects and just checking in once each week feels a little strange. but, it is a beautiful little town with very little tourism happening and, the mountains are big and amazing and, i am getting a feel for the place and enjoying the pace...

bangkok is, as usual, very busy and i am reflecting about life in the city... bangkok has almost 10 million people in addition to the folks who are living in road side shanty towns and behind train stations... there is a business or a place for everything... need your washing done - choose from 7 places within a two minute walk, food - you could eat at a different restaurant every day and still just stay in one area of this city, fruit - any corner every corner... the level of convenience and access is incredible and, i love the fact that people shop every day for the food and many do not have a fridge because, it all comes fresh from the market every day... we need more daily markets people!! truly! there is something really lovely about buying fresh food every day and being able to enjoy this at a pace that is not a mad dash to the supermarket or green grocer on the way home before it shuts so you can grab something, anything for dinner.

tomorrow, i begin my thai language course and, well, stay tuned for some short little lessons that i will share with you.
let's start with numbers....

one - nnung
two - sorn
three - sahm
four - see
five - ha
six - hock
seven - jet
eight - baht
nine - gow
ten - sip

i have attached some photos of my house and of a few other bits and pieces.... enjoy them....

today, my office is the shanti lodge restaurant. i have a corner table, surrounded by hanging orchids, banana leaves, lattice work, shell mobiles and traveller banter happening in the background. i have had a fruit shake of pineapple, orange and lemon and am now onto a coffee with nit noy ron soya milk (little bit of hot soy milk) on the side. i have my lists for the next four weeks and, i am going to be whipping through them!!! yeah! that is my self talk to not get distracted by the many roadside happenings and adventures happening just outside the door....

much love and light to you all... thank you for reading x


in some kind of order...

- view from my bedroom window
- deck and new plants
- my mini outdoor kitchen
- lounge room
- my main living area